Letters and Fetters

Letters and Fetters

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Change of direction

Now that the Library class is finished, I hope to slightly change the direction of this blog from library-related topics to more general ones. Since visitors have been scarce, I think I can afford to do this.

I am enjoying work at the library, the people, the atmosphere, the challenge. Today, some international students needed help first finding a video on Darwin and the human genome project. They wanted videos. The one who first came had never used the catalog, so I helped him discover the wonders of the catalog.

Then we found some videos on his topics, then a room to watch the videos in. One of the student workers directed him to the room.

Then, there was trouble with the video and I went to see if I could help.

Thank goodness for our funky Commodore 64 monitor/video machine set up at home. I am always plugging cords in and out with av output and input mixups, so I am familiar with how do mess around in the backs of monitors and machines. I was able to disconnect an audio cord from a video jack and get it in the right place. Victory!

Here I was going to veer away from library topics and I'm talking about the library. C'est la vie!

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