Letters and Fetters

Letters and Fetters

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Michael's coming home

We'll see just how changed Michael is after his first few months of college when he comes home Saturday. He has been getting ready for Truman State's Madrigal Ball which looks like a cross between Christmas and a Gilbert and Sullivan production.

No RJ this year. He's staying in Virginia, observing Thanksgiving with Robert and family. But at least we'll have him home at Christmas. Robert and Beth plan to be in California for Christmas this year.

We're not sure about Becky and Ben because they may be moving to Colorado. If they are still in Pierre, we hope they and little Tony will join us for Christmas festivities.

It's always great to have family in town and we look forward to having Miranda, Vern, Kenneth and April here for Thanksgiving, along with Chuck and Ann from Faribault.

I'm learning to love winter. Even though it isn't really winter yet. In South Dakota, winter is everything that happens after the first half of October -- until May.

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