Letters and Fetters

Letters and Fetters

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Is there ever a first Hurrah?

With the cold snap during an early Gypsy Day weekend, I was sure we'd seen the end of warm temps for the year, but it's warming up all over again. On our way back from Jamestown yesterday, I noticed four combines, reaping in the dark, headlights full on. The first one we saw looked at first like a train, then a bus. But what would a bus be doing off the road with its headlights on? Then we saw the blades turning and I knew what I was looking at.
Farmers all up and down U.S. Highway 281 were working into the night hours to bring in the crop while the weather is still decent.
Despite the flooding and foul weather during much of the spring and summer, it looks like a pretty decent crop in store for farmers this year. Something to be grateful for during uncertain times.

1 comment:

Robert said...

Clearly we don't need daylight-savings any more if the farmers can just use headlights.

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